Shyamavsvss Krishi Limited is a public incorporated company. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies. The company provide following services and work mentioned below.There are some division which are following please click to link and visit and get the complete information about project. Here are some memory of our organisation which are capturde by media and people.

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Goat Farming With Farmer

Goat farming Farmer Goat Herding in Ground.

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Duck Farming

Duck is Collecting Food from Ground and Pound.

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Sonali Murgi farming

Sonali Murgi Farming. Farmer is collecting feed for Hens.

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Flower farming

Farmer picking flowers.

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Fish seed packing

Farmer packing the baby fish.

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Applicable industry

Company's trainer giving training of applicable industry to housewife

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Tailoring training

Company's trainer giving tailoring training to housewife

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Sample of Two year Fish

Sample of Two year Fish

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The office was inaugurated in Lucknow

The office was inaugurated in Lucknow, the capital of the state, from where the whole of Uttar Pradesh would be monitored.

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Transporting eggs.

Transporting eggs from company

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Making organic fish feed

Making organic fish feed for the Better Growth

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Catching Fish in Pound

Catching Fish in Found by Fisher Farmer

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Sample of Fish of 5 to 6 Month

5 to 6 Moth Size Fish

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Fish loading For Fish Market

Ready to Sale in Market

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Nature of Pound

Pound Cleaning Activity By Farmer

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Fish Catching Team

Fish Catching team is Ready to Move in Pound with Boat

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Biggest Pound in Jaunpur

The Biggest Pound in Jaunpur Distric Uttar Pradesh