Agriculture Services -In The agriculture services we provide agriculture support for all the farmers. There are some Agriculture project started by company which need number of employees to run successfully.

  • We start the Papaya Farming in all over UP. With the Papaya Farming we make all the farmer strong in financial sector.
  • We start the Organic Farming all over UP by which we control the Cancer, Sugar and other dangerous disease.
  • We start the Tea Farming in Assam as Contract Basis which provide best quality Tea at low price.
  • We start the Mushroom Farming with the help of farmers. With this farming we can teach farmers about technical farming.
  • In Agriculture we start the Technical Training for all types of Farmer. Agriculture Training, Animal Husbandry Training, Fishing Training .
  • We create the Farmhouse for agriculture and other activities.

  • Organic Farming by the company which is a method of agriculture which is based on the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides uses Crop rotation. Green manure, compost, etc. to maintain the fertility of land.

    Do not use of chemicals, fertilizers, insecticides, weedicides and growth control manufactured in factories to obtain long term. and stable yield in such farming organic fertilizers are used, which control the pollution of both soil and environment.

    Increasing population is a serious problem all over the world with the Increasing population, the use of various chemical fertilizer, toxic pesticides to obtain food production by human for the supply of food.

    The use of chemical fertilizer, toxic pesticide affects the cycle of exchange between natural Organic and Inorganic Substances in the ecosystem. Due to which the fertility of the land deteriorates as well. as the environment is polluted and human health declines

    In ancient times, forming was done friendly to human health and to the natural environment.

    Due to which the cycle of exchange between organic and Inorganic substances was going on Continuously. As result of which water, air, land and environment were not polluted.

    Agriculture and animal husbandry combined was highly profitable. Agriculture is the mainstay of rural economy in India, and main source of the income of the former.

    In view of the increasing population since the time of green revolution it is necessary to increase Production in terms of Income

    For higher production, more amount of chemical fertilizer and pesticides how to be use in forming.

    Due to which the marginal formers are incurring exessive cast in the week. Also getting polluted, Also the food items are becoming poisonous

    To deal with all the above problems of this type, form the last years, the scheme of forming on the principle of sustainable forming has been made by SHYAMAVSVSS KRISHI LIMITED (OPC) Pvt Ltd.

    In which organic farming will be operated by the company's agricultural experts and experienced employees engaged in Organic farming

    The company will be encouraged to adopt organic forming, posters, tableaux, banners, literature, solo drama, puppet performances for the promotion of Organic forming at tehsil level in each district of the state

    The work of public awareness among the formers will be done by the employees.

    Human health is closely related to organic forming by Cultivating this method, the body remains comparatively more healthy and comes organic forming does not spoil and comes organic forming also gives more yield than chemical farming.

    Benefits of Organic forming:

  • The fertility of land increases.
  • The irrigation internal is increases.
  • Reduced dependence on chemical fertilizers leads to cost reduction.
  • The productivity of crops increases.
  • The increases in the demand of organic products in the market increases the income of the formers.
  • The use of organic manure improved the quality of the land.
  • The water holding capacity of the land increaser. There is less evaporation of water from land.
  • There is an increase in the water level of the soil, food grains and a reduction in the population caused by The water in the ground.
  • The use of waste to make manure reduces dispaces.
  • Decreasing the lost of crop production and increase in income decliving of organic fertilizes to complete with the international market.

  • cooperation

      Contract farming is an arrangement where the production and supply of agriculture products are done under a contract between farmers, suppliers and producers. This arrangement can act as a catalyst for modernizing agricultural practices in India because the industries dependent on agriculture products requires adequate and timely inputs for optimum agricultural produce. In addition, the National Agricultural Policy of the Indian Government is also promoting private participation to meet the increasing need.

      Advantages of Contract Farming

      The present aspects of Indian agriculture have several areas where contract farming can be beneficial, especially in medical plant farming. Therefore, both farmers and agriculture-based firms can get numerous benefits by implementing contract farming. Some of these benefits are discussed below: Producer/Farmer

    • Reduced marketing and transaction costs and assured market for their produce. In addition, the risk of production and pricing also reduces.
    • Opening up of new markets which were inaccessible to small farmers. Also, farmers get financial support and technical guidance for better quality production.
    • Ensures consistent adequate supply of quality agricultural produce at the right time and at a lesser cost.
    • List of Contract Farming Companies in India

      • Dabur contract farming
      • Patanjali Contract farming
      • Pacific Herbs Agro Farms Pvt Ltd.
      • PepsiCo
      • Agronic Herbal Pvt. Ltd.

      Vegetable farming is the growing of vegetables for human consumption. The practice probably started in several parts of the world over ten thousand years ago, with families growing vegetables for their own consumption or to trade locally. At first manual labour was used but in time livestock were domesticated and the ground could be turned by the plough. More recently, mechanisation has revolutionised vegetable farming with nearly all processes being able to be performed by machine. Specialist producers grow the particular crops that do well in their locality. New methods—such as aquaponics, raised beds and cultivation under glass—are used. Marketing can be done locally in farmer's markets, traditional markets or pick-your-own operations, or farmers can contract their whole crops to wholesalers, canners or retailer.


    • Vermicompost (vermi-compost) is the product of the decomposition process using various species of worms, usually red wigglers, white worms, and other earthworms, to create a mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and vermicast. This process is called vermicomposting, with the rearing of worms for this purpose is called vermiculture.
    • Vermicast (also called worm castings,[a] worm humus, worm poop, worm manure, or worm faeces) is the end-product of the breakdown of organic matter by earthworms.[1] These excreta have been shown to contain reduced levels of contaminants and a higher saturation of nutrients than the organic materials before vermicomposting.
    • We also Manufacture Home base Vermicompost.

      The Philippines' Agricultural Training Institute (Filipino: Surian ng Pasanayang Pang-agrikultura,[3] abbreviated as ATI), is an agency of the Philippine government under the Department of Agriculture responsible for training agricultural extension workers and their clientele; conducting multi-level training programs to promote and accelerate rural development; and ensuring that research results are communicated to the farmers through appropriate training and extension activities

    • Technology Demonstration
    • Farm and Business Advisory through the Farmers' Contact Center (FCC)
    • Technical Assistance to Rural-based Organizations
    • Provision of multimedia IEC materials at the Agriculture and Fisheries Knowledge Center
    • e-Extension services through e-learning courses on A & F and digital learning resources
    • Accreditation of Extension Services Providers (ESPs)
    • Provision of extension grants to accredited ESPs
    • Provision of grants for policy research on extension